27 October-Today's All facts
1924 - Ruby Dee (Born Ruby Ann Wallace) was born on this day.

Ruby Dee (Born Ruby Ann Wallace) was born on this day.

1981 - Andrew Young elected mayor of Atlanta.

On this dated in 1981, Andrew Young, Former UN Ambassador, elected mayor of Atlanta.

1978 - President Carter signed Hawkins-Humphrey full

On this date in 1978, President Carter signed Hawkins-Humphrey full employment bill.

1960 - Martin Luther King Jr. released on bond

On this date in 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. released on bond from the Georgia State Prison in Reidsville. Political observers said the Kennedy call increased the number of Blacks voters who insured his election.

1954 - B.O. Davis Jr. became the first Black general

On this date in 1954, B.O. Davis Jr. became the first Black general in the U.S. Air Force.

1891 - P.B. downing patents Street Letter Drop Box

On this date in 1891, P. B. Downing’s Street Letter Mail Box patented. Patent No. 462,096 and a patent #462,093 for the mailbox (letterbox).